Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Bush National Address: unofficial tallies

Terror Tally 1: 34

Freedom Figure 2: 34

Cumulative Uttered References to September Eleventh (CURSE): 6

Number of times Bush apologized to the people of Iraq for launching an illegal invasion and occupation of their country so that he could establish a battleground against worldwide terrorists that was far away from the United States (that's the latest claim as to the reason for war, as per the speech): 0


Terror Tally = number of times Bush used a word with the root "terror"
2 Freedom Figure = number of times Bush uttered the words "free" or "freedom"


At 2:47 p.m., June 29, 2005, Blogger Simon said...

Well it certainly undermines his message to anyone who is in step with reality, but as is frequently reported, the Bush "base" is "energized" by such talk.

I'm sure Bush's speechwriters know very well that perpetuating the false link between 9/11 and Iraq will further alienate much of the population, but at the same time they must feel confident that they can always count on their supporters' blind faith. After all, Bush's popularity may be at an all time low, but an astounding 45% of people still support him!


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