Sunday, June 26, 2005

Happiness: Prologue

I have been thinking a lot about happiness lately; what it means to be happy1, what makes me (and others) happy, why I haven't always been as happy as I (hopefully) could be and what I'm going to try to do to correct that for the future. I was gradually putting together some thoughts on the matter with the intention of eventually posting about it. I find it a fascinating topic, not one particularly easy for many people to talk about in their real lives (no one wants to admit to themselves let alone others that they aren't feeling fulfilled).

I'm not nearly ready to post my own thoughts yet, but Timmy from Voice in the Wilderness2 recently discussed the theme. Have a read, and make sure to visit the comments section - maybe even post some of your own ideas if you feel up to it. Particularly intriguing was a post from Mike H, who mentions that some people may be "innately unable to experience any meaningful happiness or satisfaction from life." That's a horrible thought, and it's probably, sadly, true.

Even for the rest of us, who have the ability to experience meaningful happiness or satisfaction from life, those feelings aren't always easy to find.


1lore has it that happiness is...Marineland.

2Still in the early stages of my blog, probably 70% of my modest traffic is arriving via VITW which means most of you have already read Timmy's post, but for the other 3 people per day, you're welcome!


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